Tuesday, May 25, 2010

so tonight i'm gonna go watch To Kill a Mocking Bird at my aunt's house. i'm hoping it won't be really boring but i heard it was good so i'll write what i think about it later. I've been thinking about reading the book but i read tons of other ones so i'll read it later, anyways, Elena has the book right now. so i really need to get to cleaning my room because Julia, my baby sister who is almost 2 gets into EVERYTHING! i have this 20 gallon fish tank with 5 tetras and 2 ghost shrimp and she goes on my bed, throws the lid off, then the light, then tries to knock it over. then she goes to my wall and rips off my pictures and posters of my wall, and then the clothes go all over the floor. so anything i'm gonna go clean.

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